Nov 2, 2007 / Grid Inline Editing. Part II. Architecture and Customization
0 commentsBasic Classes
Inline editing solution consists of three classes:- InlineEditController - controller class that handles inline editing;
- EditAreaSettings - class that stores information about what should be processed in IEC;
- TransactObject - helper object that manages saving procedure (it acts as a synchronizer and restore old values in case of server side error as well as confirm correct saving).
var editAreasSettings = new Array();
var shipNameEditAreaSettings = new EditAreaSettings("ShipName","ShipNameIdPrefix",null, true);
var shipAddressAreaSettings = new EditAreaSettings("ShipAddress","ShipAddressIdPrefix");
var shipRegionAreaSettings = new EditAreaSettings("ShipRegion","ShipRegionIdPrefix");
var inlineEditController = new InlineEditController('gridID', editAreasSettings, onSaveEventHandler, true);
function onSaveEventHandler(retObj)
var transactionObj = new TransactionObject(retObj.itemID, inlineEditController);
transactionObj.onStatusSuccess = onRequestComplete;
transactionObj.onStatusError = onRequestError;
retObj.OrderID = retObj.itemID;
transactionObj.onSaveSuccess ,
Let's take a look at all classes.
Controller class that handles inline editing.
var inlineEditControllerObj = new InlineEditController(gridID, editAreasSettings , onSaveEventHandler, isExplicitSave)
Id of the grid
Array of EditAreaSettings objects
Flag specifying whether a row in edit state should be saved when another row set into edit state.
For example, when user clicks on another row, the first row will be saved if this flag set to true
Callback function that is called on save event.
function onSaveEventHandler(retObj){ retObj.OrderID = retObj.itemID; MyWebService.OrderService.UpdateItem(retOb); }
Object that contains edited values.
Public methods
This method should be called to confirm that data was successfully saved and there
is no need to restore initial values.
This method should be called to restore the initial values in case of server side
Class that stores information about what should be processed in IEC. The IEC should have information about what and how should be updated. The EditAreaSettings object holds all essential information to edit the item. var editAreaSettingsObj = new EditAreaSettings(areaName,
Maps the edited values into retObj (as you remember retObj passed into OnSaveEventHandler and stores all new values that should be saved).
We find the Edit Area using this argument. The full id of Edit Area is "areaPrefix"+"id of item".
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Ship Name">
<span id="ShipNameIdPrefix<%# Eval("OrderID")%>">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("ShipName")%>'></asp:Label>
var shipNameEditAreaSettings = new EditAreaSettings("ShipName","ShipNameIdPrefix",null, true);
var inlineEditController = new InlineEditController('uxGridID', editAreasSettings, onSaveEventHandler, true);
Id of a dataSource control
Should Edit Area receive a focus when edit state becomes active?
In most cases, you will use this handler to set correct value in DataSource Control.
A custom handler may be used to extract edited values from Edit Areas.
A custom handler may be used to set edit area into original (read-only) state.
A custom handler may be used to set edit area into cool (inline edit) state.
A custom handler may be used to render original (read-only) with some specialties, like display an image that represents Priority or something like that.
Helper object that manages saving procedure (it acts as a synchronizer and restore old values in case of server side error as well as confirm valid saving). var transactionObject = new TransactionObject(itemID, inlineEditController);
ID of an item that will be updated.
The reference to the IEC.
IEC LifeCycle
IEC life-cycle is not a simple thing I should say. It is quite hard to describe how it works in short, but let's try.Stage 1. IEC Initialization
IEC binds event handlers to corresponding elements through the whole grid. We have just three handlers: Edit, Save and Cancel. So bind them to required controls.function InlineEditController(gridID, editAreasSettings , onSaveEventHandler, isExplicitSave) { ... //******************** Fields **************************** var activeInlineEditPanel; var thisRefInlineEditController = this; //the object that stores the previous values of item, used in case of calling abandonChanges(itemId) var previousStates = new Object(); attachEvents(); function attachEvents() { var grid = document.getElementById(gridID); if(grid == null) { alert("error: Unable to find a grid."); return; } //assign the click handler to the grid(HTMLTable) grid.onclick = onGridClick; for(var index=0; index < grid.rows.length;index++) { var cells = grid.rows[index].cells; for(var index1=0; index1 < cells.length; index1++) { var element = findInlineEditPanelInElement(cells[index1]); if(element == null) continue; if(element.attributes == null) continue; //look up for "Inline Edit Panel" if(element.attributes[INLINE_PANEL_FLAG_ATTRIBUTE] != null) { var row = findRowForElement(element); row.ondblclick = onDblClickRow; row.onkeypress = onEditing; var children = extractDHTMLElements(element); for(var index2 = 0; index2 < children.length; index2++) { //look up for save, edit and cancel image buttons var control = children[index2]; switch(control.attributes[INLINE_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE].nodeValue) { case INLINE_EDIT_ACTION: control.onclick = onEditAction; break; case INLINE_SAVE_ACTION: control.onclick = onSaveAction; ...
Stage 2. Enabling Edit Mode
What happens when user clicks Edit link? Maybe the system crashes as usual? Not at this time! It sets table row into editable state. The most interesting method is editRow (hmm, it looks like it should be refactored a little, ok, I will leave you some space for improvements :). So what it does.- Hide some actions and show inline editing actions instead.
- Highlight editable row with fancy green color (well, may be customized if you prefer pink).
- Store current values (we may need them later if user pushes cancel or some server problems arise).
- Call specific onEditValue handler if exists.
- Create input element to allow user actually edit something.
//********************* Events ************************
//fires on edit image click
function onEditAction()
{ //suppose that some row can be in Edit State
//fires on double click on row
function onDblClickRow(eventObj)
if(eventObj == null)
eventObj = event;
var srcElement = eventObj.srcElement ? eventObj.srcElement :;
if(srcElement.tagName == "A" )
//look up for "inline edit panel"
var inlineEditPanel = findInlineEditPanelInElement(this);
function editRow(inlineEditPanel)
if(activeInlineEditPanel != null)
alert("error: Unable to set edit state. There must be no item in edit state.");
activeInlineEditPanel = inlineEditPanel;
var children = extractDHTMLElements(activeInlineEditPanel);
for(var index=0; index < children.length; index++)
var control = children[index];
case INLINE_EDIT_ACTION:'none'; break;
case INLINE_SAVE_ACTION:'';break;
default:/* "Do nothing" */;
var itemID = getActiveInlineEditPanelID();
if(itemID == null)
alert("error: Unable to find item id.");
// create a new object to store previuos values (just in the case)
previousStates[itemID] = new Object();
for(var index=0; index < editAreasSettings.length; index++)
var editAreaSettings = editAreasSettings[index];
//get the Edit Area ID
var editAreaID = editAreaSettings.areaPrefix+itemID
var editArea = document.getElementById(editAreaID);
if(editArea == null)
//saving particular value
previousStates[itemID][editAreaID] = editArea.parentNode.innerHTML;
//check if there is specific handler on edit event.
if(editAreaSettings.onEditValue != null)
editAreaSettings.onEditValue(editAreaSettings, editArea);
//otherwise call predefined handler of IEC
if(editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID == null)
editDataSourceField(editArea, editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID);
//check if there is specific handler on select event.
if(editAreaSettings.onSelectValue != null)
editAreaSettings.onSelectValue(editAreaSettings, editArea);
//otherwise call predifined handler of IEC
There are two possible customizations at this stage:
A custom handler may be used to set edit area into cool (inline edit) state.
A custom handler may be used to set correct value in DataSourceControl.
Stage 3. Save Changes
First we should extract new values from form fields. The methods with very original names extractEditedValues and extractEditedValue do all the job. As a result we have an object with all new values. Then we call onSaveEventHandler to save new values into database.
function onSaveAction()
var obj = extractEditedValues();
//call the saving handler(the procedure that is defined outside of IEC)
if(onSaveEventHandler != null)
//get row back into read state
function extractEditedValues()
if(activeInlineEditPanel == null)
return null;
var retObj = new Object();
var itemID = getActiveInlineEditPanelID();
if(itemID == null)
alert("error: Unable to find item id.");
retObj.itemID = itemID;
for(var index=0; index < editAreasSettings.length; index++)
var editAreaSettings = editAreasSettings[index];
var editArea = document.getElementById(editAreaSettings.areaPrefix+itemID);
if(editArea == null)
//check if there is specific handler on extract data event.
if(editAreaSettings.onExtractEditedValue != null)
editAreaSettings.onExtractEditedValue(retObj, editAreaSettings, editArea);
//otherwise call predefined event of IEC
extractEditedValue(retObj, editAreaSettings, editArea);
//return the obj that holds new edited values
return retObj;
function extractEditedValue(refRetObj, editAreaSettings, editArea)
var children = extractDHTMLElements(editArea);
if(editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID == null)
{ //save new value
refRetObj[editAreaSettings.areaName] = children[1].value;
//assign new value for readable field
children[0].innerHTML = children[1].value;
else if(children[1].tagName == 'SELECT' )
var select = children[1];
refRetObj[editAreaSettings.areaName] =
? null : select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
children[0].innerHTML = (trimText(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value)=="") ?
"" : select.options[select.selectedIndex].text;
There is one possible customization at this stage.
A custom handler may be used to extract edited values from Edit Areas.
Stage 4. Disabling Edit Mode
When we saved changes, the table row should be turned back into original state. Not so trivial thing in fact. The cancelEditRow function is responsible for the transition.function onEditing(eventObj) { if(eventObj == null) eventObj = event; //27 - key code of escape key if(eventObj.keyCode == 27) onCancelAction(); ... } function onCancelAction() { cancelEditRow(); } function cancelEditRow() { if(activeInlineEditPanel == null) return; var children = extractDHTMLElements(activeInlineEditPanel); for(var index=0; index < children.length; index++) { var control = children[index]; switch(control.attributes[INLINE_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE].nodeValue) { case INLINE_EDIT_ACTION:''; break; case INLINE_SAVE_ACTION:'none';break; case INLINE_CANCEL_ACTION:'none';break; default:/* "Do nothing" */; } } highLightInlineEditRow(INLINE_ROW_BACKGROUNDCOLOR_NORMAL); var itemID = getActiveInlineEditPanelID(); if(itemID == null) { alert("error: Unable to find item id."); activeInlineEditPanel = null; return; } for(var index=0; index < editAreasSettings.length; index++) { var editAreaSettings = editAreasSettings[index]; var editArea = document.getElementById(editAreaSettings.areaPrefix+itemID); if(editArea == null) continue; if(editAreaSettings.onCancelEditValue != null) { editAreaSettings.onCancelEditValue(editAreaSettings, editArea); } else { if(editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID == null) cancelEditTextField(editArea); else cancelEditDataSourceField(editArea); } if(editAreaSettings.onRenderEditedValue!=null) editAreaSettings.onRenderEditedValue(editAreaSettings, editArea); } activeInlineEditPanel = null; }There are two possible customizations at this stage.
A custom handler may be used to set edit area into original (read-only) state. Example
A custom handler may be used to render original (read-only) label with some specialties, like display an image that represents Priority or something like that.
TransactObject implementation
TransactObject is a helper object that manages saving procedure (it acts as a synchronizer and restore old values in case of server side error as well as confirm valid saving).
The IEC replaces editable fields by text with new values, while the server is still processing the request. Since updating is asynchronous, we have a problem of web service exception synchronization. What happens when object can't be saved and we receive exception? New values will be set for the row, but these values are not correct anymore.
Another problem is that AJAX.NET wraps all exceptions from web service into WebServerError class and it's impossible to get information about what item was failed. TransactionObject handles these problems. It has a reference to IEC and can restore the initial values in case of error. IEC holds the initial values of the item til commitChanges or abandonChanges method call.function onSaveEventHandler(retObj) { var transactionObj = new TransactionObject(retObj.itemID, inlineEditController); transactionObj.onStatusSuccess = onRequestComplete; transactionObj.onStatusError = onRequestError; retObj.OrderID = retObj.itemID; TargetProcess.DaoTraining.BusinessLogicLayer.OrderService.UpdateOrder(retObj, transactionObj.onSaveSuccess , transactionObj.onSaveError) } function TransactionObject(itemID, inlineEditController, onSuccessStatus, onErrorStatus) { var thisRefTransactionObject = this; this.inlineEditController = inlineEditController; this.itemID = itemID; this.onStatusSuccess = onSuccessStatus; this.onStatusError = onErrorStatus; //--- Events --- this.onSaveSuccess = function(result) { //remove the initial values for item from IEC. thisRefTransactionObject.inlineEditController.commitChanges(thisRefTransactionObject.itemID); //call custom handler if such handler is provided if(thisRefTransactionObject.onStatusSuccess) thisRefTransactionObject.onStatusSuccess(result); } this.onSaveError = function(ex, context) { //restore the initial values for item thisRefTransactionObject.inlineEditController.abandonChanges(thisRefTransactionObject.itemID); if(thisRefTransactionObject.onStatusError) thisRefTransactionObject.onStatusError(ex); }
Extending Base Functionality. Custom Edit Handler.
By default IEC has a simple logic for text and drop down editing, since it is impossible to implement all cases.
Sometimes, you get into situation when the base functionality is not enough. For instance, Priority property of Order class. When the row is in read-only state it must show the priority image and in edit state it must show the select box. <asp:TemplateField>
<%--priorityname attribute holds priority value --%>
<span priorityname='<%#Eval("Priority")%>' id="PriorityIdPrefix<%# Eval("OrderID")%>">
var prioritySettings = new EditAreaSettings("Priority","PriorityIdPrefix","uxPriorities");
prioritySettings.onRenderEditedValue = onRenderPriorityValue;
prioritySettings.onSelectValue = onSelectPriorityValue;
var inlineEditController = new InlineEditController('<%=uxOrders.ClientID%>', editAreasSettings, onSaveEventHandler, true);
var HIGHEST_PRIORITY = "<%=Priority.Highest %>";
var NORMAL_PRIORITY = "<%=Priority.Normal %>";
var LOWEST_PRIORITY = "<%=Priority.Lowest%>";
var PRIORITY_ATTR = "priorityname";
It is required to provide two handlers: onRenderPriorityValue and onSelectPriorityValue.
onSelectPriorityValue handler just selects the predefined value in select box.function onSelectPriorityValue(editAreaSettings, editArea) { var dataSourceControl = document.getElementById(editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID); dataSourceControl.value = editArea.attributes[PRIORITY_ATTR].nodeValue; }onRenderPriorityValue converts Priority value into specific image.
function onRenderPriorityValue(editAreaSettings, editArea) { var dataSourceControl = document.getElementById(editAreaSettings.areaDataSourceControlID); var children = extractDHTMLElements(editArea); var readField = children[0]; switch(dataSourceControl.value) { case HIGHEST_PRIORITY: readField.innerHTML = HIGHEST_PRIORITY_IMAGE; break; case NORMAL_PRIORITY: readField.innerHTML = NORMAL_PRIORITY_IMAGE; break; case LOWEST_PRIORITY: readField.innerHTML = LOWEST_PRIORITY_IMAGE; default:/*Do nothing*/ } editArea.attributes[PRIORITY_ATTR].nodeValue = dataSourceControl.value; }
This situation is quite an unique case. In most case the base logic of IEC will fit your requirements. For instance, Country property of Order class works just fine.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Ship Country">
<span id="ShipCountryIdPrefix<%# Eval("OrderID")%>">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("ShipCountry")%>'></asp:Label>
<select style="display: none" id="uxCountries">
<option>-- Select Country</option>
<option value="USA">United States</option>
<option value="Canada">Canada</option>
<option value="Mexico">Mexico</option>
<option value="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option>
<option value="Albania">Albania</option>
var shipCountrySettings = new EditAreaSettings("ShipCountry","ShipCountryIdPrefix","uxCountries");
As you see, there are no custom handlers. All what you need to do is to pass "uxCountries" ID into shipCountrySettings. The IEC will successfully select the value in select box using the text in column and render the new value.
Extending Base Functionality. CheckBox Handler.
What if you have boolean value that is represented as a checkbox in the grid? Let's see how that can be implemented. <
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Rush Order">
<span id="IsRushOrderIdPrefix<%#Eval("OrderID")%>" >
<asp:CheckBox Enabled="false" runat="server" Checked='<%#Eval("isRushOrder") %>' ID="uxRushOrder" />
var isRushOrderSettings = new EditAreaSettings("IsRushOrder","IsRushOrderIdPrefix");
isRushOrderSettings.onEditValue = onEditRushValueHandler;
isRushOrderSettings.onExtractEditedValue = onExtractRushValueHandler;
isRushOrderSettings.onCancelEditValue = onCancelEditRushValueHandler;
I should create three custom handlers: onEditRushValueHandler, onExtractRushValueHandler, and onCancelEditRushValueHandler.
onEditValue just enables checkbox.
function onEditRushValueHandler(editAreaSettings, editArea) { var isRushOrderSpan = getFirstDHTMLElement(editArea); isRushOrderSpan.disabled = false; var isRushOrderChk = getFirstDHTMLElement(isRushOrderSpan); isRushOrderChk.disabled = false; }onExtractRushValueHandler gets the new value from checkbox and save it in retObj (that is passed into onSaveEventHandler as you remember).
function onExtractRushValueHandler(retObj, editAreaSettings, editArea) { var isRushOrderChk = getFirstDHTMLElement(getFirstDHTMLElement(editArea)); retObj[editAreaSettings.areaName] = isRushOrderChk.checked; }onCancelEditValue disables checkbox.
function onCancelEditRushValueHandler(editAreaSettings, editArea) { var isRushOrderSpan = getFirstDHTMLElement(editArea); isRushOrderSpan.disabled = true; var isRushOrderChk = getFirstDHTMLElement(isRushOrderSpan); isRushOrderChk.disabled = true; }Thus you can create custom handlers for any case, even extremely complex.
Input Validation
There are no standard solutions to validate input in javascript (like ASP.NET validators, for example), but you still can use handlers that would act as validators. Fortunately, TransactObject restores the initial values in case of server side error that can be caused by invalid input, but it's not enough. We should implement extra validation for the Freight property that is supposed to be Decimal to validate input.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Freight">
<span id="FreightIdPrefix<%# Eval("OrderID")%>">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Freight")%>'></asp:Label>
var freightSettings = new EditAreaSettings("Freight","FreightIdPrefix");
freightSettings.onSelectValue = onSelectFreightValueHandler;
We need to implement just one handler onSelectFreightValueHandler.
This handler assign validation handler for Freight input box and it is impossible to type anything except numbers and decimal separator.
function onSelectFreightValueHandler(editAreaSettings, editArea)
var children = extractDHTMLElements(editArea);
//children[0] - readable field that gets invisible since the row is in editable state
//children[1] - input field that gets added since the row is in editable state
children[1].onkeypress = onKeyPressDecimalValueHandler;
function onKeyPressDecimalValueHandler(eventObj,obj)
var thisRef;
if(obj == null)
thisRef = this;
thisRef = obj;
function isValidInput(key,value)
if(key == "." && value.indexOf(".")==-1)
return true;
return false;
return true;
if(typeof event == "undefined")
var key = String.fromCharCode(eventObj.charCode);
if(eventObj.charCode == 0)
if(!isValidInput(key, thisRef.value))
var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
if(!isValidInput(key, thisRef.value))
event.returnValue = false;
The other solution is to use TransactObject as a validator. For instance, if I try to enter invalid date TransactObject restores the initial value and shows the error message.
Now you can use inline editing in all your lists without problems. Let us know if any questions!
Labels: ajax, inline edit, javascript
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