Sep 12, 2005 / Danger of Iterative Development
1 commentsAs always, Alistair Cockburn wrote great article about iterative development. In general, he shows that iterative development could be helpful for non-agile teams, and could be hazardous for agile teams if improperly adopted. Short iterations could guide project to death.
Yes, the article is great. I have seen this danger myself but at a discussion with my colleagues, we called this forgetting the goal of an iteration.
In this business, most things need to have a clear goal, where you're heading to. Missing the goal for a project, a release, an iteration, a user story is extremely dangerous.
Making everything a statistic is the other great problem that contributes to missing the agile feeling. This is greatly encouraged by management which instead of saying at the end of iteration 2 you will have user management, getting the sallaries etc, they say you will have 5 new stories done, which will mean that 32% of the project will be ready.
Dan Bunea
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