Jul 18, 2005 / Agile Adoption
0 commentsInteresting stats from Methods & Tools poll on question: "At what stage is the agile approach (XP, Scrum, FDD, ...) adoption at your location?" (232 participants):
Not aware - 26% Not using - 16% Investigating - 14% Analysed and rejected - 3% Pilot projects - 4% Partial implementation (adoption of some agile practices) - 17% Partial deployment (some projects are using this approach) - 12% Deployed (all new projects are using this approach) - 8%
It seems Agile approach has enough space to grow. About 60% of participants do not use agile development at all (note that 3% rejected it), 30% adopted agile development partially and just 8% use it as a mainstream process.
Looks like agile development overcame early adopters phase. But I wonder about that 3%... ;-)
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